RES: Cowardice and Courage

Alexandre Fenelon afenelon at
Tue Apr 1 16:21:50 PST 2003

the point being using "terrorist" to qualify what iraqi are doing is 1)reversing the meaning of the word: the us is using terror on the iraqi people not the opposite 2)identifying the iraqi to the 9.11 terrorists.

i am surprised not to have noticed any analogy between the sand storms and the "kamikaze" in the jp media. not the kamikaze you mention but the original one: the wind of gods that blew the mongol fleet away back in... ummm the 13th century ? (need to check my history books). the japanese were pretty pissed when the 9.11 teams were called kamikaze (refering to the jp suicide pilots) by the western media, i thought that was an opportunity to correct the interpretation of the word...


-I don´t want to offend anyone, just ponting to the fact that suicide -attacks are a reasonable military alternative when you are totally -outgunned, and people from Japan know this. There is no cowardice -in doing this, quite the opposite. And I agree with you, there is -a diference between Japanese suicide pilots and 9/11 terrorists. -While the former attacked military targets of a country against whom -they were at war, the latter attacked civilian targets withouth -being at war. From this point, the Iraqi suicide bombers are closer -to japanese kamikazes than to 9/11 terrorists.


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