> I think lefties complain too much about how the big media suck, and
> should spend more time cultivating our own media. But still, it's not
> like we've got Rupert Murdoch's cash and credit lines. How can "we"
> take over the media?
You gotta start somewhere. We do an excellent job at creating an
alternative to the big media, but we haven't done a very good job of
subverting the media, not to mention a direct assault on the media with
our own pundits and programming.
The Heritage Foundation, Cato, and other conservative thinks tanks don't have Rupert Murdoch's cash, yet they are very good at using the mainstream media to convey their ideology. Of course, their ideology dovetails with the ideology of those that run the media corporations, but have we tried to replicate what the right has done? How about other avenues?
Or should we just throw everything into creating an alternative media that eventually becomes the mainstream media?