[lbo-talk] Once Again, Bush Makes Fools Of His Critics

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Wed Apr 9 15:44:22 PDT 2003

Eric: The problem for movements of the Left is not failed slogans or divisions among its ranks or even the dominance of corporate media, but the remarkable ambivalence of a populace that refuses to acknowledge the mortality of humanity. There is a large segment that believes in a heavanly reward and sanctifies its own impulses in a wash of bible reading. Another is a class of mammonists who wish only to be, in the words of Gordon Gekko in _Wall Street_ "liquid." And a third group replaces contempation with titilation. Yet to preach against that is to be a luddite and a religious bigot. (I won't even mention the rekinding of creationism.) Worse, when something sufficiently frightens America the people turn to facism for protection and not to "liberalism."

Wojtek: Amen. I think that what prevented the US from becoming a fascist state is the structure of its government rather than sentiments of its population.

Eric: Hopefully, the Dems will show the balls to fillibuster every mother fucking nominee to the Supremes.....O'Connor and Rehnquist have waited too long in my view.....

Wojtek: I would not count on this.

Eric: I think it quite likely that the next election could REALLY be about the future of abortion rights (not just some scare line in a voting handbook), economic equality (the dwindling viablity of medicare and social security), and war (I think our regional adventures are far from over).

Wojtek: If the rise of Nazism in Germany is any indicator, the mysogyny of the Nazi regime was a reaction against substantntial advances of women's rights in Weimar republic (See Claudia Koontz: _Mothers in the Fatherland_). Feminism is the main subject of rant on most right wing talk shows - so beating women back to the kitchens and bedrooms under the new Repug reign would not surprise me a bit. They are already cutting all social programs at the state level.


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