> So what if dissident groups in Cuba get money from a foreign power. So
> did
> the CPUSA. Did that justify McCarthyism?
Which Gus Hall totally denied as bourgeois slander to Scott McLemee, even after Michael Dobbs of the Washington Post published a story with a photo of the signed receipt by Gus, "North Korea Is A Great Place For A Vacation, " Hall, for a million dollars, the last $ before Gorby cut off the CPUSA. (It is reproduced in, "The Secret World of American Communism, " in the Yale Univ. Press Annals of Communism series. (Newest vol. I just saw in City Lights is on The Doctors Plot and Stalin's anti-semitism edited by the series editor J. Brent.)
-- Michael Pugliese
"Without knowing that we knew nothing, we went on talking without listening to each other. Sometimes we flattered and praised each other, understanding that we would be flattered and praised in return. Other times we abused and shouted at each other, as if we were in a madhouse." -Tolstoy