RES: [lbo-talk] Russia sees a threat in U.S. presence in repu blics

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Wed Apr 16 00:13:05 PDT 2003

From: "Alexandre Fenelon" <afenelon at>


-Too late, isn¥t it? Wasn¥t the strategic partership with US that put Russia -in this dangerous situation? --- I really don't think the Kremlin views the US as much of a threat in Central Asia. ---

And the Russia budget is only 5% of US one (on -the other hand, it could be more if you use PPP values, which are useful in -this case since Russia produces essentially all of her weapons)

Alexandre Fenelon

--- You should. If you factor in PPP, Russian GDP jumps like 1000%. Russia has one of the largest industrial outputs in the world, in fact.

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