[lbo-talk] Neocon cards?

Kelley the-squeeze at pulpculture.org
Fri Apr 25 10:54:03 PDT 2003

At 10:48 AM 4/25/03 -0700, Chuck Grimes wrote:

>ooh ooh! I'll make 'em! Are the 52? And how shall we order them--who's Ace
>of spades? Who's the joker?
>Help me out here!
>Make them like Baseball cards with each player dressed in their SS
>uniforms with official equivalent titles in english and german. On the
>back list their great accomplishments with a little comparsion table
>to show their nazi equivalent at a similar date in their career.
>So for example reichminister Rumsfeld

= Reichminister Rumblesfeld

We can call it Bushkrieg.

I like this idea, but it's a lot more work than playing cards. Can't commit to it, not as a solo operation. I'm going on vacation soon!


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