About a yr. and a half ago I sent Michael Albert a pissy e-mail pointing out a dozen typos in the issue of Z I had just perused. He returned the favor, in terms of his tone, in a defensive way.
The newest issue I skimmed at Borders a few days ago spelled Karl Rove as Carl Rove, on the next to last pg. of a piece had the brief author bio'i.d., which was repeated where it belonged at the end, and one author, not a regular wasn't even given the author bio. Another recent issue had cartoons an 8th grader doodling could have done. Too often the book reviews are back scratching. In a recent issue, author X was reviewed by author Y, when Y had just reviewed X.The paper it is printed on easily smudges.
The website is much better. There one can catch up w/ writers like Amira Hess.
And, yup, on just the literary style of Chomsky, compare, "American Powers and The New Mandarins, " from the late 60's, finally reissued recently (I lost my mass market Vintage/Random House pb. copy, I'd had since high school, also reissued was, "For reasons of State.") to anything he has written in the last few yrs.