> Why are you sending this story to all those lists? The story appears to have no source (the indymedia.org hotlink returns an error message and the apparent author merely gives a first name and initial.) and lacks any substantive facts, it doesn't even tell us what offense this Sherman Austin person is supposed to have been convicted of.
> So, while it might sound very dramatic, the story is utterly useless. It seems quite irresponsible to be disseminating such rubbish. It only gives free speech a bad name.
> Bill Bartlett
> Bracknell Tas
Thanks for your solidarity, "fellow worker." A young anarchist is being sent to prison for a year on trumped up charges and your first response is to criticize the messenger?
This is a newsflash. You know, like the crawling ticker on the bottom of cable news? More substantial news will follow.
Chuck Munson Infoshop News