[lbo-talk] Debate Resumes on the Safety of Depression's Wonder Drugs

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Thu Aug 7 13:08:38 PDT 2003

> I know this is a common claim, but at the individual level,
> it's impossible to verify. The problem here is placebo
> effects: in any one case, it's impossible to untangle the
> effects of positive expectations about the therapy from
> the actual effects of the therapy itself. --And placebo
> effects are not trivial for SSRIs: 50-70% of the positive
> therapeutic effects of SSRIs at the group level can be
> attributed to placebo effects, as assessed in double-blind
> placebo-drug trials. This doesn't mean Prozac is useless;
> it just means the success of Prozac therapy
> is substantially improved by positive
> expectations about the drug.
> Miles

1. People with affective disorders often do not have any positive expectation about their medication because of its side effects. In fact, a frequently expressed opinion by people with such disorders is that their medication does not cure, but makes their disorder more bearable.

2. That affective disorders are caused by brain chemistry rather than life circumstances or a "wrong attitude" is pretty well established. So is the fact that SSRIs do affect that chemistry. Still uncertain is what actually causes the "chemical imbalance" that produces affective disorders.

3. A suggestion that affective disorders can be cured by changing the person's attitude rather than his/her brain chemistry smells of new age quackery - akin to faith healing or efforts to "cure" gay people by proper therapy.


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