> Is this a joke?
> Are you seriously suggesting that the actions of Hebrew tribesmen
> 3,000 years ago have some bearing on the present state of Israel?
> As an aside, I find it interesting that to accuse the Jews of genocide
> one must go back three millenia. It would be nice if this were true
> for all the earth's peoples, wouldn't it.
Ah, wild generalizations! My favourites!
Most of the earth's people never committed genocides, as far as we can tell. And those which have don't celebrate such events as holy victories and inspirational ones at that - which was Justin's point, no?
For every Nazi Germany and ancient Israel, there are four hundred Txucarramãe, Xavante, Inuit,Juruna, San, Ok, Marind Anim Elema, Angan, Yanomami, Melpa,et cetera ad nauseum...
Genocidal behaviour - specially of the sort narrated in the Bible and in other 'holy books' - is actually very rare in human history, once you get rid of certain racist assumptions.
Thiago Oppermann