Rahul Mahujan, author of, "Full Spectrum Dominence, " http://www.sevenstories.com/book/index.cfm/GCOI/58322100353810 and co-author, connected to, "Occupation Watch." http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/?id=6732 A closed circle of collaborators
The formation of Iraqi Governing Council has engendered severe negative reactions across the Iraqi political spectrum say E.A. Khammas and Rahul Mahajan.
The other major CP in Iraq, brother party to the Worker-Communist Party of Iran (Hezb-e Komunist-e Kargaran-eIran, WPI), http://www.wpiraq.org/english/ Our difference
What are the differences between the Worker Communist Party of Iraq and the Iraqi Communist Party? by Rebwar Ahmad
On the Latest Confrontation Between the Worker Communist Party of Iraq and the Islamic Groups in Nasiryiah. 8/1/2003
ISO on Iraq: Nationalist Isolationism or International Solidarity. Mahmood Ketabchi 7/31/2003