[lbo-talk] Kuttner blames blackout on electricity deregulation

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at jhu.edu
Tue Aug 19 09:32:58 PDT 2003

> Can't we just send them home and make them watch Jerry Springer and
Seinfeld re-runs for
> the rest of their lives?

That will make them even more power hungry and they will return with vengeance at the first opportune moment. Just like the Bush gang did.

There is a good reason why the French beheaded their king and his wife, the Bolsheviks shot the tsar with his entire family, including pet dogs. The taste of power makes them very dangerous, indeed, like circus animals who discover they can overpower their trainer.

Otoh, Pu Yi (the last emperor of China) is a different story - he was re-educated as a gardener, as the Bertolucci's film "The Last Emperor" beautifully shows. Following that example, sending these suits to rural coops for re-education to teach them the virtues of hard labor may have a better educational value than simply converting them to compost.


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