Certainly. Wages for SIC 72 (personal services) for Maine are $332 week on average for 2002 (taken directly from the BLSs Longitudinal Data Base) , or $8.30 per hr assuming 40 hours/week (BLS data do not give you the number of hours worked, though). That is below the $25 per hour for 4 maids (or 6.25). However, the BLS data ara establishment -based, they do not report wages earned by individuals working outside the formal sector - e.g. your neighbor daughter doing housecleaning or babysitting for you, or the son mowing your grass. These arrangements tend to fetch more than $8/ hr - the going rate where my wife lives (central PA) is $10-$20/hr.
> also, another reason why she might be advocating hiring a service,
> though she never says it, is this: do you think unionizing would have
> better chance among independent contractors or among maids who worked
> for a service?
Actually I do. Perhaps not unionizing but direct ownership of the establishment lie a cooperative.