Michael Pugliese
> Only philosopher I know that defended that piece of hackery, was
> Marvin
> Farber.
Also see Roy Wood Sellars' *Reflections on American Philosophy
> From Within*, chapter 8, "Intersecting dialectical materialism"
Roy Wood Sellars who was a leading defender of realism, naturalism and materialism in the first half of the 20th century was the father of Wilfrid Sellars, who was one of the dominant figures in analytic philosophy after WW II. But then again, Wilfrid Sellars who was the most analytical of analytical philosophers professed to be an admirer of Engels.
Jim F.
^^^^^^ CB: Jim, didn't that hack Wittgenstein , at the end of his career, agree with Lenin on the main point of _Materialism ' _, the existence of objective reality ?.