[lbo-talk] Stomping Out the Reds/Go Blue

Michael Pugliese debsian at pacbell.net
Wed Aug 27 16:52:25 PDT 2003

On Michigan State Univ. the CIA and counter-insurgency in Vietnam see these, esp. the Ramparts, http://www.namebase.org/main3/Michigan-State- University.html http://www.namebase.org/sources/TT.html Ramparts. A Vietnam Primer. San Francisco: Ramparts, 1968. pp. 80-97: Warren Hinckle, Robert Scheer, and Sol Stern, "Michigan State: The University on the Make," April 1966. Intro by Stanley K. Scheinbaum. http://www.zpub.com/sf/hinckle.html Ramparts magazine exposed the use of Michigan State University by the CIA to train Vietnamese police, and a year later scooped up another big smelly one -- CIA funding of the National Student Association. http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/CIA/FOIA_SecretsCIA.html "Secrets:The CIA's War at Home, " by Angus Mackenzie, University of California Press, 1997.
> ...Following the buildup of U.S. troops in Vietnam and the assassination
> of Diem, Sheinbaum decided it was his patriotic duty to publicize
> information that he hoped might put the brakes on U.S. involvement.
> Writing about the connections between Michigan State University, the CIA,
> and the Saigon police (with the help of Robert Scheer, a young
> investigative reporter), the Sheinbaum story was to appear in the June
> I966 issue of Ramparts magazine. The article disclosed that Michigan
> State University had been secretly used by the CIA to train Saigon police
> and to keep an inventory of ammunition for grenade launchers, Browning
> automatic rifles, and .(?) caliber machine guns, as well as to write the
> South Vietnamese constitution.

The problem, in Sheinbaum's view, was that such secret funding of academics to execute government programs undercut scholarly integrity. When scholars are forced into a conflict of interest, he wrote, "where is the source of serious intellectual criticism that would help us avoid future Vietnams?" Word of Sheinbaum's forthcoming article caused consternation on the seventh floor of CIA headquarters. On April I8, I966, Director of Central Intelligence William F. Raborn Jr. notified his director of security that he wanted a "run down" on Ramparts magazine on a "high priority basis."

More leftists @ UMichigan http://www.lsa.umich.edu/soc/undergrad.asp Kimeldorf, Howard. 1988. "Reds or Rackets? The Making of Radical and Conservative Unions on the Waterfront," University of California Press. Jeffrey Paige in the Soc. Dept. too. A description of my research interests: Political Sociology, Revolution, Latin American Studies, Marxian Social Theory Paige, Jeffery. 1997. "Coffee and Power: Revolution and the Rise of Democracy in Central America ," Harvard University Press. Paige, Jeffery. 1996. "Agrarian Policy and the Agrarian Bougeoisie in Revolutionary Nicargua," Globalization, Urbanization and the State:Selected Studies on Contemporary Latin America - University Press of American. Paige, Jeffery. 1993. "Coffee and Power in El Salvador," Latin American Research Review , 28(3), 7-40. Paige, Jeffery. 1990. "The Social Origins of Dictatorship, Democracy and Socialist Revolution in Central America," Journal of Developing Societies, 6 , 37-42. http://www.umich.edu/~iinet/crees/regionalstudies/russian/russianacademics.html Ronald Grigor Suny, leftist scholar on Soviet nationalities. History Dept. William G. Rosenberg, co-author w/ quite leftist, Marilyn B. Young of, "Transforming Russia and China: Revolutionary Struggle in the 20th century (with William Rosenberg), Oxford University Press, 1980.

-- Michael Pugliese

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