[lbo-talk] The Postmodern Prince

Charles Brown cbrown at michiganlegal.org
Tue Dec 2 11:07:05 PST 2003

I understand the fact that political action and a scientific study of society are not closely linked. However, you're beating academics up for not communicating like political activists. Of course most academics don't have a talent for communicating with the masses--that's why they became academics! --Isn't it possible for academics to do interesting and important scientific work that is not overt political mobilization?


^^^^^^^ CB: It's difficult if your main epistemological principle is that the test of theory is practice. That is, political action and a scientific understanding of society are integrally linked. And given the desparate level the class struggle has taken on for the working class, no one should be sitting on the sidelines. Also, any academic research that is important and the basis for effective action in the "real" world will be used by the bourgeoisie for it's political purposes, so a politically "neutral" academic is not being realistic. Things in general are more like Harlan County than most people think: "which side are you on, which side are you on. "

Feminism has expanded the scope of the poltical. The personal is political, too.

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