[lbo-talk] will this be like uday and kusay capture?

marc rodrigues marc36 at graffiti.net
Sun Dec 14 08:20:56 PST 2003

Chuck0 wrote:

As with most things in American politics, this is about more than just the U.S. "getting their man." This is also about the war on the left, if you look closely at how the right wing spins this. The Free Republic this morning has more stuff bashing Democrats and leftists than it does stuff about a dictator being overthrown. It would be easy to dismiss Free Republic as just being the extreme of the right, but even my father asked me this morning "What's the Left's take on this?" This was not a friendly question.

The war on terrorism, the war in Iraq, and the American drive for Empire is just as much about defeating the left as it is about other stuff.

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