[lbo-talk] Saddam Caught

Dwayne Monroe idoru345 at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 15 09:30:56 PST 2003

Brian Siano wrote:

It's a bit like bitching about the moon landing. Yes, there is poverty and war and starvation here on Earth, but it was a magnificent accomplishment, a major event in world history, and _pretty fuckin' neat_


The lunar landing analogy is actually quite useful and provides a nice context for analysis.

If the moon landings were part of some larger effort, say the beginning of an internationally coordinated human and robotic space exploration and colonization project, then whether we agreed or disagreed with the expenditure, we could at least see that it was leading to some interesting and perhaps even widely beneficial effects for human civilization.

But of course that's not what it was. It was - the dedication and technical panache of scientists and engineers notwithstanding - an American stunt which has led to essentially nothing (insert counter-argument about *spin-offs* here). I say this as a longtime fan of the space program who sees it for what it is.

Which brings us to Hussein...

If the US capture leads to an Iraqi-led trial in which his crimes are fully brought to light, as well as the complicity of Middle Eastern and Western powers in the execution of those crimes - a full telling - then we can say that something truly interesting and important has happened.

But this is not the situation. A criminal has received his comeuppnace at the hands of other criminals. This satisfies our ancient sense of justice but has moved us not one inch forward towards anything. Dennis Perrin mentioned Noriega who, as you'll recall, was the uber-villian of the moment some years back. His capture was also hailed as a great triumph for the forces of light but, in the end, turned out to be the emotionally satisfying, but pointless, downfall of yet another criminal by a more powerful crime boss. The gloating we're witnessing is the time-tested, typical reaction of the depraved to seeing an enemy brought low. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is natural to feel satisfaction at seeing the once proud and deadly Hussein disheveled and defeated - this must be admitted. But it is far too late in the day so to speak to accept this as a sufficiently developed response.


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