[lbo-talk] RE: lynching

joanna bujes jbujes at covad.net
Thu Dec 18 11:17:31 PST 2003

Justin writes

"The Romanians were almsot the worse, btw -- sorry, Joanna -- only the Latvians approached them in blood lust. Eichmann had to stop the pograms in Bucharest to get the killings on a rational, efficient basis taht didn't involve splattering the stretts and walls with blood, disrupting business. Of course the Germans have to take final responsibility -- it was their idea, their plan, their operation. "

Well, if this is true, my father and ALL his friends, ALL jews, escaped completely unscathed. My dad did get thrown in jail and severely beaten up for a couple of weeks, for talking back to a brown-shirt, but then he was bailed out...

I really don't know what the true story was in Romania. I grew up surrounded by jews and not one of them said anything like that about life in Bucharest/Romania during the war. My father actually maintained that no jews were killed in Romania, but this could not have been true because I know some were killed -- according to historians anyway.


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