This is one of the greatest problems that the chronically mentally ill face on their road to recovery. Too many people come into the Emergency psychiatric department depressed, not for a lack of medications, but because they have no friends. I think of one woman in particular who suffered years of sexual abuse as a child, and is chronically and horribly depressed, and now as an adult has no friends. Nearly every time she has a concern or hits a low spot she calls the police and they bring her to the hospital. If she had some friends who cared about her, she would be less depressed and less often. Support groups, partial hospitalization, and crisis home placement programs are a start, but the mental health systems, especially the ones treating margianilized people must begin providing counseling and talk therapy. I can't count the amount of times a person has called down here just wanting to talk, but they haven't the means to access those services.
Benjamin Gramlich