full spectrum dominance

Brian O. Sheppard bsheppard at bari.iww.org
Sun Feb 2 19:30:09 PST 2003

NASA doesnt just benefit the military, it's a corporate subsidy as well. The magazine _Spin-Off_, made by NASA, catalogues all the inventions funded by the public that have gone on to win big money for corporations. Without this type of socialism in reverse (public subsidy, private profit) we prob. wouldn't have the technological sophistication the US enjoys today.

Was asleep when the shuttle exploded overhead here, but relatives saw and heard it. Pretty scary. Depressing, as well.


On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Thomas Seay wrote:

> > What does the shuttle do to support specific
> > military missions?
> I am informed by a good source, the editor of "Space
> Age Weekly", that space exploration in the US is
> almost completely controlled by the military (I would


"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid." - Friedrich Nietzsche

"Il etait enfin venu, le jour ou je fus un pourceau!" - Comte de Lautreamont, Les Chants de Maldoror, 4th Hymn, Strophe 6

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