the sociology of butt-kissing

Brian O. Sheppard bsheppard at
Wed Feb 5 20:08:10 PST 2003

Geez, try to ask a simple question about something, get a bunch of attempts at cynicism and wit.

Yeah there's a lot of slang regarding this. Most of us who've worked understand the dynamic well. Someone I knew in the Marines referred to it as "The Law of C.Y.A." - "cover your ass." Tons of examples. The Emperor's New Clothes is also a well-known story illustrating this. None of this has much to do with my question, though.

Sociology ain't trying to de-economize the practice. All I'm trying to do is research it! :/


On Wed, 5 Feb 2003, frank scott wrote:

> "The tendency of subordinates to tell superiors what they wish to hear
> is..."
> a way of insuring a paycheck...ass-kissing for dollars was being
> practiced long before sociology or philosophy ever did a study to
> further de-economize the practice.
> fs


"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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