
Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Fri Feb 7 20:31:58 PST 2003

> If the Palestinian swine who walks a bomb into an Israeli bus is a
> "homicide bomber," then equally so the Israeli swine who releases a
> laser-guided bomb from his F-16 onto an apartment building chock-full of
> innocent civilians at two in the morning is a "homicide bomber." The
> principal difference being, for what little it's worth, that the second
> criminal doesn't demonstrate half the same courage and/or desperation as
> the first. However it's worth noting that those halfwits who habitually
> employ that imbecilically redundant phrase always neglect to describe
> that second mass-murderer with the same term.
> Yours WDK

How about we call them both filthy murderers, and leave it at that?


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