re Cockburn on Lerner

Peter K. peterk at
Wed Feb 12 16:42:43 PST 2003

>once again another person demonstrates a capacity to make an argument
>without resorting to a silly non-argument like "freedom of speech" or "open
>discussion within the movement" or the like.
>i think in a nutshell the question now comes down to, tactically is it smart
>to have a smorgasbord of speakers on the podium, or should organisers have
>some say over who speaks and what shall be said. there are arguments to be
>made that are reasonable on both sides.
>i agree with doug though, the reason why this lerner flap has become a major
>issue at this time has little to do with this important question.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but you seemed to have done a 180. Maybe next time you should wait to read what Cockburn has to say before writing. The reason this became an issue is because the WWP is sensitive to criticism and a little paranoid and decided to block flaky rabbi from speaking against the coming war on Saddam, nothing more.

I wonder if Howard Zinn, Barbara Ehrenreich and Katha Pollitt all signed the petition because they feel the same way Cockburn does.


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