Spontaneous march in New York

Michael Pollak mpollak at panix.com
Sat Feb 15 03:55:42 PST 2003

For various reasons, I suspect these feeder marches won't actually cause the NYPD all that much trouble in the end; I think they will have us secured penned up in no time. However they let you out of the pens when you ask (to go to the bathroom if nothing else. Because, as everyone knows, porta-potties are now considered a terrorist threat in New York. But 100,000 people who need to go to bathroom are a crowd control threat). So it just dawned on me. If the rally is being held on First Avenue, from 49th and above (although some literature is now saying 51st and above) and starting at noon; and there is supposed to be an unauthorized street party at Time Square, which runs south from 47th Street and Broadway; and there are people who will be curious to see what happens there as well as those who will actually be stopping traffic and getting arrested; there should be something of unplanned march going on between the two around 3 pm. That could be fun. And remember, everyone will have radios, so even people who didn't know about the Time Square thing will hear about it. Anyway, when you get too cold to sit still, that seems at least to be the way to exit: toward the front, past the front a few blocks, and then make a right on any street between 47th and 42nd. You'll get to Times Square in about half an hour total. Maybe that will end up being our march.


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