thinking post-invasion

martin mschiller at
Sat Feb 15 14:27:56 PST 2003

a msg on 2/15/03 from Thomas Seay contained -

>Martin, could you explain which aspect of Jihand you
>think deserves discussion and how it relates, if at
>all, to what I
>said about the UN/US police powers?

I guess that if you feel more comfortable discussing 'Jihand', that I needn't say much more about police powers.

If you think that you are talking about UN/US police powers then I guess that's what you're talking about. I thought that you were talking about post-invasion occupation of a foreign nation by a cartel that controls the US military, and that seemed to represent the bulk of discussion. It wasn't your comment that I was referring to, but the trend to consideration of Iraq at the expense of discussion of 'Jihand'.


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