> Lerner is obviously wrong to call ANSWER "objectively racist and
> anti-Semitic." However, I regret that the other coalitions working
> with ANSWER have agreed to withdraw any speaking candidates that have ever
> criticized WWP/IAC/ANSWER (actually, is it only criticism of ANSWER or all
> three that meets the criterion?), as most of the people I have any respect
> for have criticized WWP/IAC/ANSWER at some time or another.
> Brian
But did you and they attack ANSWER as anti-semites in the pages of the New York Times?? Lerner has been waging a campaign against ANSWER, not just criticizing ANSWER. The Joint Statement talks about "public attacks" and "working to discredit," NOT about "criticizing", "dissent", etc. I wonder how many times I will have to write that and explain the difference? If we do a joint action with UFPJ here in Chicago, I hereby agree in advance not to nominate anyone as a speaker who has libelled UFPJ in the pages of the Chicago Tribune.