> Furthermore, what ever the conditions of their life, it is highly unlikely
> that everyone, or indeed a particularly high percentage of people, have the
> personality type to be an activist. It looks like a pretty difficult job
> to me; not unlike being a salesman for an unpopular product.
Haha - and some people are better salesmen than others. On the other hand, that's all some people are good at - sales. When it comes to theory, they're like a fish out of water.
However, no matter one's talents, weaknesses, abilities, etc., I do believe there is something everyone can do to build a better society.. Everyone can work towards it in some capacity, without being a 24/7 summit-hopper. A lot of problems in the activist movement seem to be caused by people trying to be all things to all people - voice of the movement, chief analyst, publicist, field organizer, theoretician, all in one.