Put an End to "Anti-Americanism" Re: Michael Hardt

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Sun Feb 23 10:16:28 PST 2003


> Like it or not, if you're living in a democracy -- even a nominal
> -- you have to take the blame for insane, criminal policies executed in
> name.

Do you personally take the blame for imperial war, sweatshops, global corp rampages and the like? I mean, when in public do you wear a sign around your neck that reads "Blame me -- It's my fault"? I know, Carl, that you enjoy telling others about their sins (and the sins of those you do not reach), but how 'bout some good old fashioned sincere apologia for breathing in this fascist atmosphere? We're all guilty, remember. You're among friends.

> I particularly dislike fellow Americans like Walter Kirn, who -- writing
> today's NY Times -- wails about the insults he had to endure as an
> at Oxford and suggests that he may be forced to turn swaggering flag-waver
> himself if the insults continue. Poor baby!

I have little use for Kirn, either as a novelist or critic (though the Times loves him, natch). But he does make a point about the simple-mindedness of a lot of anni-Amur'can sentiment. Do you believe that Euros who hate the US are always right, and Americans who defend it (or parts of it) are always wrong? I get that impression.

DP (Just stuck a fork in my thigh to punish myself for reality TV and union busting)

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