Timothy Brennan on Hardt & Negri (_Critical Inquiry_)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Jan 2 03:56:58 PST 2003

At 7:31 PM -0600 1/1/03, Carrol Cox wrote:
>The Empire's New Clothes by Timothy Brennan
>Critical Inquiry Volume 29, Number 2, Winter 2003, pp. 337-67
>Critical Response I, pp. 368-73
>The Rod of the Forest Warden: A Response to Timothy Brennan
>Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri
>Critical Response II, pp. 374-78
>The Magician's Wand: A Rejoinder to Hardt and Negri
>Timothy Brennan

I just read all three of the above at <http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/CI/journal/contents/v29n2.html>. Though I enjoyed Timothy Brennan's writing, I think that Hardt and Negri (and their admirers) are uninterested in collective endeavor of critical engagement. Brennan asks in "The Magician's Wand: A Rejoinder to Hardt and Negri" (@ <http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/resolve?CI290208PDF>): "The question...is whether the authors [Hardt and Negri] would view serious disagreement with their work as anything other than 'distortion.'" It is clear that they don't. -- Yoshie

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