Well, I think it's replaced 'minorities' so that's an improvement. In the U.S. context it recognizes that racism doesn't just happen to black people and highlights the possibility for alliances between Latinos-African Americans-Asians Native-Americans.
I could post this, but as I see the formidable array of digests arrived in my inbox 1/3/03 I suspect someone else already answered--for us mere mortals who have non-academic jobs etc. I'd like to put in a plug that you in some slightly more heavy-handed way enforce the 3-post a day rule (or a gigabyte, whichever comes first).
Thanks Doug, & happy new year to you and Liza,
Jenny Brown co-chair, Alachua County Labor Party P.O. Box 12051 Gainesville, FL 32604 USA (352) 378-5655