Helen Thomas vs. Ari Fleischer

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Wed Jan 8 17:19:15 PST 2003

At 4:48 PM -0800 1/8/03, Ian Murray wrote:
>Because Saddam and his gang of thugs were killing lots of people.

Higher estimates of famine deaths in North Korea mention that 2 million or more people died (Cf. <http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9808/19/nkorea.famine/>), a great boon if the US were planning for a military aggression for "regime change." And yet the US is far more gun-ho about "regime change" in Iraq than in North Korea -- despite the remaining Cold War rhetoric.

At 4:48 PM -0800 1/8/03, Ian Murray wrote:
> > Even in 1991, though, it was not the Arabs but the US that was mainly
>> gunning for the war. It's interesting that you mention Yemen among
>> the nations allegedly threatened by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. Yemen
>> cast the lone dissenting vote in the Security Council against the
>> Gulf War. A US official reportedly told Yemen's representative:
>> "That's the most expensive 'no' vote you'll ever cast." Three days
>> later, the US cut off its entire aid budget of about $70 million to
>> Yemen.
>Every single one of those autocratic, authoritarian governments does not
>speak for their people so just because they officially kept a facade of
>composure does not mean their own citizens didn't abhor/fear the
>repercussions of Saddam's annexation of Kuwait.

If you asked Arab citizens and non-citizen residents in the Middle East, you would notice that they were even less threatened by Iraq's annexation of Kuwait than Arab autocrats were.

At 4:48 PM -0800 1/8/03, Ian Murray wrote:
>By your logic, carried to its conclusion, there can never be any
>reason for the inauguration of aggression by any state against any
>other state

We are not talking about any state. We are talking about the USA.

At 4:48 PM -0800 1/8/03, Ian Murray wrote:
>Iraq didn't need a justification for attacking Kuwait

That's what Arabs should determine without the strong-arming on the part of the USA.

At 4:48 PM -0800 1/8/03, Ian Murray wrote:
> > I doubt that they consciously manufactured the so-called Iraq crisis
>> in response to corporate scandals and the "global justice movement,"
>> as Bushies had long been planning to do something like this, even
> > before they got into power. In any case, what's your point?
>What, they did it in their sleep?

I'm simply saying that it's been a long-term plan pre-dating corporate scandals of the sort that you mentioned. -- Yoshie

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