work, anyone?

Catherine Driscoll catherine.driscoll at
Wed Jan 8 23:49:39 PST 2003

Hey it's UTS, and you've other things on board. I wouldn't write it off. Excellent Dept, discerning and in demand, Stephen's wonderful, and much less of that kind of baggage than the sandstones. C'mon c'mon, you know you want to. Look, I'm not at my most convincing. House-and-cat-and-hen-sitting, spent half the day playing Barbie with my niece and the other half at the beach. But it's a great idea. Think about it. Catherine

Quoting Doug Henwood <dhenwood at>:

> Catherine Driscoll wrote:
> >Doug -- want to "transform culture" from the other side of the world?
> Mighty tempting, but I ain't got no PhD!
> Doug

-- Dr Catherine Driscoll School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry University of Sydney Phone (61-2) 93569503

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