Ian Murray wrote:
> Now, to repeat my question; do you think that the Iraqi invasion of
> Kuwait was justifiable? If justification is a non-issue to you, then you
> undercut your desire to assert that the US was unjustified in acting to
> throw Iraq out of Kuwait.
It is rather difficult to see any justification whatever for the very existence of Kuwait; it exists only as a servant to western powers in the control (genocidal if necessary) of the Arab Nation (artificially divided up into Palestine, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, and the various states of the Arabian peninsula. Any move towards ejecting European or U.S. power from that region is clearly in the interests both of its inhabitants and of the future survival of the human species. Iraq's incorporation of Kuwait self-evidently made better sense than did the U.S. incorporation of the states of Texas, etc. in the Mexican War.
On the whole, a nation's "progress" towards bourgeois democracy seems dependent, first of all, on its freedom from external interference (England, U.S., the Scandanavian countries, France). Ejection of U.S. influence is certainly a prerequisite for further progress in the Arab Nation.
> If on the other hand you assert that Iraq was justified in invading
> Kuwait, you need to *give reasons* [Habermas fans feel free to chime in
> here :-)
U.S. out of Everywhere!