The Texas populist take on the tax cut

Jordan Hayes jmhayes at
Fri Jan 10 12:27:18 PST 2003

> Does that mean trading stocks actively?

When appropriate :-)

> you're almost certainly worse off trading
> than just buying & holding

You're speaking on a "risk-adjusted" basis of course?

My personal trading style can be summed up like this:

- Get an idea; no ideas? Do something else.

- See if it's actionable; it's not? Do something else.

- Determine tax advantage; choose account appropriately.

- Enter position

- Change my mind about the idea? Exit position.

- Underlying factors leading to the idea change? Exit position.

"Holding" (outside of continued support of the idea) in this scenario is just dumb and leads to disproportionate risk-adjusted losses.

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