Re Marxism and the body

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Sun Jan 12 23:44:47 PST 2003

> But which threads of marxism AFFIRM the body and argue for its
> liberation? What is their vision of the body?

> Since there seem to be many different points of view on LBO, I would
> like to hear about that.

Specifically, Wilhelm Reich.


See, "Sex-Pol, " an anthology of his essays including, "What Is Class Consciousness?, " edited by Lee Baxandall in the early 70's for Random House/Vintage.Baxandall also edited an anthology on marxm and the arts for Penguin in the 70's. (Though I think the selections in a similiar collection edited by Beethoven biographer, Maynard Solomon, for Random House/Vintage, are better.) Baxandall last I saw was an editor for a nudist magazine. (Why are most nudists so ugly? Ever see the Diane Arbus photos of 'em?) Reich, as I'm sure y'all know was kicked out of the KPD and was imprisoned by the USG in the 50's. Lingua Franca had a great story on him. There is a great Yugoslav movie loosely based on Reich's ideas, from the late 60's, "WR: Mysteries of the Organism."

-- Michael Pugliese

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