Marta wanted you to see this!

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Sun Jan 19 09:43:53 PST 2003

Gar Lipow wrote:
> In short, if you are skeptical (and skeptical is always a
> good thing to be) redo the research. 1) should be easy for anyone who
> has a contact witht the right experstise. 2) should be easy to confirm
> for anyone with access to a copy of the (very public) treaty. 3) is
> unveriaviable, and you should await confirmation before affirming.

But let's not forget that Iraq has a perfect right as a sovereign state to have all the fucking WAMs it want's to have, and the U.S. is a criminal nation for its assault on Iraq's sovereignty.

When the U.S. gives up all of its WAMs (i.e. all strategic weapons), _then_ it can start bellyaching about Iraq or India or NK.


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