Marta wanted you to see this!

Steven McGraw stmcgraw at
Sun Jan 19 11:52:18 PST 2003

At 07:46 AM 1/19/2003 -0800, you wrote:
>On Sat, 18 Jan 2003 23:53:12 Steven McGraw <stmcgraw at> said
>> Subject: Re: Marta wanted you to see this!
><snip on my part, on Steven's>
>> Marta, can you confirm this in a mainstream source? Any chance the
press will pick it up?
>Obviously, I'm not Marta - but the book in question is an extended
>interview with Scott Ritter. Pitt is a Boston school teacher - a good
>writer, really moderate and restrained in tone; comes across (in
>writing) as extremely sane and sensible. He seems to get his facts
>right. So by me, he's respectable; by the mainstream press I'm not so sure.
>But there are only three factual statments,, one of them uncertain
>according to Pitt.

<snip some really good stuff>

This is very helpful and clarifies things a bit, but it sure looks like I'll continue to be dependent on other people's expertise, for the most part. By the way, I've enjoyed your contributions to ZNet now and then for a while now.



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