Raimondo on Ritter

budge budge at el-pleasant.org
Wed Jan 22 07:58:18 PST 2003

On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 at 7:43am mike larkin wrote:

> http://www.antiwar.com/justin/justincol.html


So the police just happened to conduct a "sex sting" operation against the one man who had exposed the lies of our war-mad rulers from the inside. On the eve of war, as hundreds of thousands protest in the streets, this staunch Republican and solid family man who has become one of the War Party's most formidable enemies is suddenly "exposed" as a child molester. </quote>

but the police didn't "conduct a sex sting on the eve of war", they did it in jun 2001 (for the slow, that is *before* sept 11, 01)

now the leaking of this may be a political dirty trick, but it is hard to imagine the constabulary of suburban albany os prescient they new in jun 01 that ritter would need discrediting later.

but raimondo, don't let that get in the way of a good rant. (and take the fucking cig out of your mouth, that is *so* white trash.)

-- no Onan

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