Bush: fuck'em

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at rawbw.com
Sun Jan 12 14:32:51 PST 2003

U.S. Dismisses Growing Opposition to Iraq War. By Steve Holland and Hassan Hafidh. WASHINGTON/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Washington shrugged off growing vocal opposition to a possible war on Iraq as big powers lined up to reject military action.


So, then it becomes more critical than ever to deepen the potential polarization of the US. What we need is a good old fashion rightwing hate campaign directed at all domestic opposition. Something along the lines that Horowitz blasted off with last week, only coming from more official sources---and starting off on a lower key and working up to full blown nasty.

Notice that the al-Bushid forces have ignored the building US domestic opposition. So they are going to have to go on the offensive on the domestic front pretty soon. They might wait until the war starts so they can use the implicit disloyality and ingraditude of the US military efforts as leverage.

So first hardening the polarization, then the creepy fog of paranoia and the bunker mentality, then the abyss of isolation.

Chuck Grimes

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