Jobs, Family, etc & "Party-Building" Re: Hollow ANSWER?

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Thu Jan 23 15:06:29 PST 2003

Confirmed with two Trot friends from differing tendencies within the Trotskyist managerie. Of the 300 or so formal members of WWP, 100 are paid organizers/cadre supported by a mandatory tithe of 20 % from the other 200. The tithe % from a former co-worker who WWP attempted to recruit after months of her volunteering for IAC in SF. Her parents were Black Panthers in the 60's, so large sacrifices were not why she demurred. Given she was making $9.00 an hr. , a 20% gift for the upkeep of Brian Becker would have eliminated $ for food.

-- Michael Pugliese, last post.

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