Comcast rejects antiwar ad

budge budge at
Wed Jan 29 14:52:03 PST 2003

On Wed, 29 Jan 2003 at 4:26pm Nomiprins at wrote:
> True. But it's a question of degree. Comcast cable
> stations are watched by almost 30% of the population. The
> FCC, Comcast and others are pushing to have that cap
> raised from 30% to 45%. If the cap gets raised, Comcast is
> in financial position to acquire a few more ailing cable
> companies, like Charter, to reach it. That would mean that
> almost half of the population would have no choice but to
> get their cable TV though Comcast.

Excuse me, but those Charter/Comcast/Warner/XYZ Corp customers have no choice now! Cable TV is a monopoly in almost every market that it exists. Personally, I'm with Nathan on this issue, I think competition has been a massive and total failure and the industry should be re-regulated. Let them be a (regulated) monopoly, I don't care, but with a universal service mandate. But that's as likely to happen as Bush is likely to actually do anything useful about AIDS, i.e. p <.00001

-- no Onan

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