> and even if those attitudes magically change, why should i or any woman be
> forced to carry to term if I'm not interested in changing the condition of
> my body--and i don't give a rat's if it's because i'm a superficial bimbo
> and don't want stretch marks.
Lifestyle abortions:
In the polls, Americans profess ambivalence about abortion, openly
supporting it only for "serious" reasons: for the health of the
mother by 84 percent to twelve percent, for grave birth defects by
75 to 21, for rape by 77 to 19. They claim to oppose it for
"trivial" reasons--for women who say they can't afford another baby
by 42 to 53, for those who don't want another baby by 40 to 55, for
those trying to avoid a shotgun wedding by 40 to 55. In other words,
Americans claim not to back "lifestyle" abortions.
Republicans, at least the economic conservatives among them, are in
a weak position to argue that Americans should throw all of this
away. For in no other realm do they argue that the quest for
lifestyle is a frivolous thing. The pro-choice position has much in
common with their own. It is a market doctrine run amok in the
nonmarket world. The underlying Republican defense of the American
tendency to valorize, to monetize, to consumerize everything--from
happiness to love to pride--has always been that the nature of those
eternal pleasures is not altered a whit by having a dollar value
attached to them. That ski vacation that the mother of three is
aborting her child for might be a repository of all the happiness or
love or pride she has.
An activist friend calls this her favorite article on reproductive rights. ;)
> The day that I don't have to read listservs dominated by men who whine
> about fat cow pregnant wimmins, who mock and judge squishy jello titted
> broads with broods, who get grossed out by stretch marks, and who talk
> about how to identify women who've (i crap you negative) "calved" by
"calved"? That's a new one. Where is this coming from?
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yahoo msg: beyondzero123 This is a good game, it's called, The Truth.
-Dimitri Moisevitch