Sam Donaldson explains it all

Brian O. Sheppard bsheppard at
Fri Jan 31 16:24:50 PST 2003

Crawford ain't West Texas. Vicious Yankee lies.


On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Doug Henwood wrote:

> [from today's Page Six - someone tell Hitchens!]
> [President Bush] is from West Texas. When you see a rattlesnake on a
> trail, you pull out that gun, and you go boom, bam. You do not
> assemble a coalition to discuss the rattlesnake" - Sam Donaldson on
> "Hardball with Chris Matthews" explaining the president's willingness
> to go it alone in Iraq.


"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not cease to be insipid." - Friedrich Nietzsche

"Il etait enfin venu, le jour ou je fus un pourceau!" - Comte de Lautreamont, Les Chants de Maldoror, 4th Hymn, Strophe 6

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