[lbo-talk] Re: Gore Vidal: Hero of the Right?

Brad Mayer bradley.mayer at sun.com
Thu Jul 10 11:40:44 PDT 2003

Not surprising, as all the leading lights of the US left - Chomsky, Nader and of course Vidal, are "Old Republicans": The want to restore the US to the virtues of the Old Republic, corrupted by the National Security State, etc. Hence the preeminence of moral politics and the rhetoric of moral outrage at the "betrayal of republican virtue", rathen than that of a realpolitik of power (and how to get power) and a rhetoric directed at working people.

Outraged Old Republicanism has simply filled the vacumn left by the absence of a socialist left since Eugene Debs' time, a vacumn gratis the old CPUSA. It will be quite inadequate to the tasks we face now.

-Brad Mayer

Message: 4 Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2003 09:38:04 -0700 (PDT) From: mike larkin <mike_larkin2001 at yahoo.com> To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org Subject: [lbo-talk] Reply-To: lbo-talk at lbo-talk.org


"So what are the policy prescriptions of this dangerous radical? Eliminate the income tax and devolve the taxing power to states and municipalities. Call off the ruinous drug war. Decentralize political power along the lines of the Swiss cantonal system. Bring home our troops. Slash the “atrocious taxes that subsidize this permanent war machine.” Decimate the budget of the War Department (coyly renamed the “Department of Defense” by the amusingly surnamed President True-Man). Fine ideas all, and within the Jeffersonian tradition. Gore Vidal ought to be a revered elder of the libertarian side of the American right. "

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Brad Mayer

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