[lbo-talk] Hitch: Defend Wolfie!

Dennis Perrin dperrin at comcast.net
Thu Jun 19 07:33:48 PDT 2003

> There has been some antisemitism in the criticism of the neoconservatives
influential in the Bush II administration, but it would be a logical fallacy to suggest that this would mean that the policies and pronouncements of Wolfowitz should be defended by the left. However, we should not sniff at the fact of antisemitism, even if the term is abused to defend thugs like Wolfowitz.
> -Chip Berlet

Of course real anti-Semitism should be denounced, and I've no doubt there's been some Jew-baiting from certain anti-neocons. But like Israeli Firsters, neocons and their supporters are trying to turn every critique of their world view into a case of Blood Libel. If I launched into an attack on Wolfowitz, Perle and Kristol, but never mentioned the fact that they are Jewish, it wouldn't matter -- someone like Jonah Goldberg or John Podhoretz would focus on the fact that I published their names, and that would be enough, because, you see, the names are Jewish, and well . . .


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