"President Bush, like many dominant personality types, uses dependency-creating language. He employs language of contempt and intimidation to shame others into submission and desperate admiration. While we tend to think of the dominator as using physical force, in fact most dominators use verbal abuse to control others."
The supplicant is powerless against the lord. This the accepted premise of the masochist. There is no alternative; it is fate. The wage-slave vs the employer; the slave vs. the master; the woman vs the man; the man vs the woman. The supplicants read about themselves in the media--ever the loser-- and become resigned to remove *dangerous* feelings of resentement" before the masters find out and punish them once again. The removal of these dangerous feelings of is part of the obliteration of self, necessary for the masochists to play their social and personal roles within the societies dominated by sadists. To soften the humiliation, they must bring a rationalization to the fore: admiration! Admiration for the masters place, leads to shame at NOT obeying. After all, the master; the employer; the husband; the wife...the partner....do everything. They provide all. They deserve respect. That is why THEY have the power. (They have the power of our own resignation.) We give them the power, like we give them lions share of our product when we wage-slave for them. We make ourselves weak to make them strong. Yes, Jesus loves us. Bring the whip on down.
Mike B)
===== ***************************************************************** "My sister, your grain - its beer is tasty, my comfort.." - Song of Songs; Sumeria, 2100 B.C.
As to the power of Egyptian brews Aristotle observed:
"They who have drunk beer...fall on their back...for they who get drunk on other intoxicating liquors fall on all parts of their body...it is only those who get drunk on beer who fall on their backs and lie with their faces upwards."
"She brews good ale, and thereof comes the proverb, Blessing of your heart, you brew good ale."
- Shakespeare
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