Dreyfuss, Mother Jones article (was Re: Huh?)

Brad Mayer bradley.mayer at sun.com
Sun Mar 2 19:04:53 PST 2003

Not a bad article, and puts the "oil" in proper context - as just a part of a larger geopolitical-economic power play by U.S. imperialism, following a high-risk program put forward by a narrow ruling class faction. "Oil" is not the center of the universe.

> There's an article in MoJones that I haven't read yet
> that reports interviews with all manner of oil-connected
> corporate, diplomatic, and political types (including
> people connected w/the infamous Carlyle Group) who say
> to a person that the war is nutso. They are dedicated
> to the status quo, incl Saddam.
> Oil is a motive but it is held on the part of those who
> presently have no oil interests in the ME -- neocons,
> Zionists, and Christian fundamentalists.

Quibble: not simply 'zionists', but _Likud_ Zionism, American and Israeli. Israeli Labor is zionist, but ain't behind this program. Probably why it's not in any 'national unity' government with Sharon - to its everlasting credit. Let's hope it stays that way.

> that's the summary, possibly potted. The article should be
> up any time now. The author is Bob Dreyfuss.
> mbs

=============== ---------------- Not that it isn't the case described above, but why would the oil clan want to come out and publicly say they are for the war? "The sober and prudent CEO" has been a pr front since, like, whenever, no? -----------------

Ian, why would they be so visibly, publicly, nervous? Hardly 'sober and prudent'.

We now live in the post-post-structuralist age. Time to take people literally again.

Antiwar slogans:

"No Colonial War!"

Translation (primary): U.S., don't invade Iraq, or if you do, GTFO, ASAP - none of this 5 year neocon "democratization" crap. Slogan will win with even the brainwashed 'pro-war' mass of Americans. 'No War for Oil' translates into 'Hell, yeah, War for Oil! Good idea, thanks for reminding me, antiwar dufuss! Shoulda thought of that myself...'

Translation (secondary): Israel out of West Bank, Gaza. No need to mention 'Israel' directly, just stick to the slogan. Avoid 'antisemitic' slander.

"WMD-free Middle East!"

Translation: Disarm Israel of WMD, since virtually all are held by Israel. Remove US WMD from M.E. theatre of operations. This eliminates 99% of WMD. No reason for other regional states to have them. Again, neatly avoids mention of Israel, avoids 'antisemitism' slur. Art of mass (not LBO) politics is to avoid, neutralize such weapons in the hands of the enemy.

-Brad Mayer


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