Humiliating defeat -- sob sob

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Tue Mar 4 21:55:09 PST 2003

You aren't serious, I hope? There have been plenty of hundred thousand dead Iraqis already. LP

you should be careful when you talk this way. the utilitarian calculus involved is colder than anything i've seen from luke. j


I am serious, and it isn't cold utilitarian calculus. It is after all what Bush and the US government say they are going to do in about a week. Why not name it for what it is? Mass murder. So if mass murder is now our official policy, fine let's celebrate it. Why be shy?

See, nobody at work and none of my friends really want to face what has been going on and is about to get worse. Everybody keeps thinking something will come along and stop this nightmare. It probably won't.

We are living in the heart of darkness god dammit all and the only way this shit will end is if enough people wake up, name it, and say Enough!

I realize I sound detestable and seething with hatred. That's because I am. But the issue isn't what I write or feel. I am only wishing our government all the best of luck on its own stated detestable, murderous and hate filled actions. So, I say to them, great, go for it you wretched pigs. Welcome to the abyss.

I still remember the Vietnam era vividly. Nothing stopped it and it only got worse and worse, stacking up atrocity after atrocity, shock after shock, night after night, year after year. It consumed my entire youth from eighteen to thirty. Finally it no longer mattered at all what was said or done against the war, it just kept on going. How many people, still trembling in death can you watch on tv, knowing your government killed them for nothing? Just because cameras are banned now days, doesn't make it go away, and doesn't make it okay.

I thought afterward that the sting of Vietnam would last longer than it did. But the history spin doctors, some now working for Bush, got busy and managed to erase it all like a mere fart at the dinner table, an unfortunate accident, best forgotten.

And so it was forgotten, cast into the realm of bald hippies, funny looking cars and hair styles, fading Polaroid snap shots of C-123s on the pads at Tan Son Nhut.

Chuck Grimes

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