no crips or retards

Marta Russell ap888 at
Wed Mar 5 14:08:19 PST 2003

I have already emailed a copy of the email (I actually got two from the same email address) to the IAC office at info at No reponse as of yet.

Further I should say that I used the IAC official website email listings and only sent emails to those offices that had email addresses. That list can be found at

So someone in one of those offices got this email in order to reply to it. Marta

>I do want to point out one thing, this email is inconsistent with what I
>have seen IAC do - very inconsistent - and I would be extremely
>suspicious of it. It sounds very COINTELPRO to me.
>I've been on a couple buss trips with IAC in the past and there has
>never been anything but the fullest effort to accommodate people.
>(Including going to pick them up) I certainly have not heard anything of
>this tone!
>Instead of posting something like that to the list, when you dont even
>know where it originated from, why didn't you call them and ask about
>it? In fact, you should let them know that this type of thing is
>happening so that they can address it.

-- Marta Russell Los Angeles, CA

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